Dear facilitator-in-bloom:
We are hosting the upcoming one-on-one and group Embodied Voice Breathwork® facilitator training online and in-person in our enchanted yoga shala on the beach in the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica.
This training is rich with a robust and diverse curriculum, mentoring, personal mentorship and extra modules in business development, healing arts and sound therapy facilitation. We have begun to review applications and we are excited to meet you!
My passion is to guide you in becoming an inspired and purposeful facilitator - confident with the knowledge of how to lead Embodied Voice Breathwork® safely while intuitively connecting with your own unique voice and soul song while sharing it in all the ways you will do - workshops, classes, retreats, festivals - and more!
After guiding over 100 teacher training certifications in Thyroid Yoga®, the integrative method I created to empower women with hormone imbalances to heal themselves and inspire the movement in their communities, I have decided to expand this work specifically around the power of the voice and breath to heal, manifest and thrive.
From our first live training in Los Angeles in 2015, followed by additional group trainings in New York, Australia, Mallorca, Portugal, and Costa Rica, along with personal and group trainings online, I decided to continue my studies and expand personally in my music and vocal work, which has led me precisely here:
I absolutely love training brilliant and curious souls who desire to live their purpose, form a deeper connection to their own breath of life and their soul song, to inspire others to join them.
“I booked it immediately after searching through many trainings I discovered online because it offered me a solid foundation of breathwork facilitation methods and the confidence to guide others”
“After I did my community breathwork as my final and saw how I was able to help and light up their souls (plus all the practice with Fern and other student in the training) it made me realize just how much power and gifts I really have to share.”
"Fern is so knowledgeable, she genuinely lights up with passion when sharing her knowledge. She is so encouraging and sure of our power to guide others to their spirit through their breath and song. I chose this training to become a certified breathwork facilitator and reconnect to my own practice, and I booked it immediately after searching through many trainings I discovered online because it offered me a solid foundation of breathwork facilitation methods and the confidence to guide others to their spirit through their breath. During the retreat, I discovered that my breath connected me to my inner strength and provided more ease in taking the role of observer of the circus of the mind- making it so clear the way the mind focuses so narrowly on “the problem” leaving the inner guidance system little room to whisper solutions. This phenomenon is something I am very intellectually aware of and talk about often in my work role as a mental health therapist. I have never experienced it quite so profoundly as I did during this retreat. Maxim and Fern together guided a powerful opening cacao ceremony which was one of my favorite experiences from this retreat. Together they radiate alignment. Their gentle guidance and powerful music are heart openers. The breathwork facilitator training was a very powerful experience. I am so glad I was divinely guided to it!" - Alicia Reimers, June 2024
"I chose this training because I desired to learn and become breathwork certified! Now I have this amazing tool under my belt and since the training have already been serving and helping others in life. Learning new things and having Fern be so flexible is what I loved. From all the different breathwork techniques, learning sound bowls, going to ecstatic dances, the cacao ceremony and sharing in the ritual and love of creation. and aquatic breathwork!! My most favorite part is Fern sharing the love and feel of the tide pools and each shala she chose to do our lessons! What sets this training unique from others is Fern's kindness, a great team, diversity of experiences to glean from as tools and support for moving forward. Maxim is such a gem. He is just genuine in who he is and says it as it is. His passion for his music, being a pillar of support for Fern and his love for making cacao for ceremonies is beautiful. I was also able to witness him doing a cacao spa and being able to see a man do so and see that even in masculinity, he held on to his femininity at the same time. It was a reminder of how they can really coexist regardless of who you are. The breakthrough I had was right at the end. After I did my community breathwork as my final and saw how I was able to help and light up their souls (plus all the practice with Fern and other student in the training) it made me realize just how much power and gifts I really have to share. The biggest breakthrough of all was after attending my last breathwork session with Fern. I felt myself release, feels beautiful and embodied all my power and femininity!" - Stacie Nguyen, June 2024
“I immediately chose this Breathwork Training retreat with Fern with instant knowing that she was the teacher I desired to study with and once I listened to her guided practices on Insight Timer, I knew I made the right choice! I chose this training over all the others because of her unique style of breathwork and vocal activation. Fern supported me with warmth and joy, loving words and a profound professional background. I really adored the whole program. It was so beautifully planned, very rich of unique experiences and I am very grateful for my personal progress during those unforgettable days. The practices will enrich my work as trainer and coach and foster joy and connection in my life and the lives of others.”
8 Days in Costa Rica - Foundations Training & Certification
(See pricing and availability here)
Additional 12-session personal online mentorship post-training:
$1000 (when purchased at the same time as the training, otherwise $2200)

We welcome you to….
Your Training Week in Costa Rica
This is the week where you become a certified EMBODIED VOICE BREATHWORK® Facilitator and teach classes in community here with the mentorship of Fern Olivia!
We gather in our gorgeous beachside shala on the peaceful Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica.
You will receive wisdom and expertise in:
+ breathwork practices
+ vocal activation techniques
+ sequencing
+ verbal cues
+ voice strengthening
+ sacred space and ethics
+ music selection
+ sound therapy
+ business and co-creation
And you will practice it all together in a safe space for creativity and playfulness!
Every morning we will begin with a sadhana - a sacred self-love practice - some days will include Qi Gong, Energy Clearing Practices, Pranayama and Somatic Movement Techinques, my signature “cacao spa ritual” and self-guided breathwork & meditation on the beach, with the intention to ignite our inner child spirit of joy, feeling light in our bodies and ready for a day of expansion and purpose.
Then, we will meet for practice each day for 3-4 hours (1.5 hours in the late morning, break for lunch, and meet for 2 hours each evening) for the 7 days. During free time throughout the day, you can relax, free your spirit and release any tension in the pristine intimate beaches of Playa Cocles and Playa Cocles, where the sea meets the palm trees. We have friends at the indigenous BriBri community where you can visit, have a guided tour of the cacao farm, and learn about the native culture and natural plant and herbal medicines from this sacred land.
As I understand how essential our surroundings are during studying something vulnerable and new, leaving your comfort zone, moving past your edge and showing up to be present every day, we have chosen a special training space for our time together.
Our shala location is beside Aguas Claras Resort, Playa Chiquita. Our shala is immersed in a shaded area amongst palms and a diverse ecosystem of vibrant plants, hummingbirds, butterflies, and magnificent ancient trees that have been holding space and providing breath to this sacred land for hundreds of years.
During the retreat, you offer practice sessions and optional community group sessions to integrate everything you have learned. You collect feedback and enhance your confidence and voice expression in each practice session.
I have seen this specific method as key to becoming a self-assured, confident, powerfully purposeful and inspired teacher.
The application process has two steps:
Apply below.
2. Once we have received your application, we will schedule a video call with you to see whether this experience is a good fit for you. Here, you may ask any additional questions you have and together we feel into whether a personal training and mentorship is aligned for you. We can also explore hybrid options of personal training online and in person in Costa Rica.
Here is how we support you during & after your training to become a certified EMBODIED VOICE BREATHWORK® Facilitator:
Who this is for:
We don’t expect you to be a breathwork guide already, though we are looking for the following qualities within our applicants:
+ You are passionate for supporting others in their personal and spiritual journey
+ You have (or are working toward) a healthy body and balanced mind
+ You have experience and interest in spiritual studies and practices including yoga, meditation, philosophy
+ You desire to lead, expand your voice and step into your higher purpose with confidence
+ You are ready to find (or amplify) your own voice in teaching and support community all over the world in connecting with higher consciousness, manifestation power, and uniting voices and sound frequencies for healing and expansion